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Headstart: the must have if you’re just starting to workout!

Headstart: the must have if you’re just starting to workout!

Starting fitness journey is intimidating. You've taken this big step, have a brand new membership card and new workout gear. You're motivated and enthusiastic, but don't quite know what to do at the gym.

This is the time you need to get started right. You need the right guidance. You need to be able to see some changes in yourself towards your fitness goals within the early days of your health club membership to feel motivated and keep going in your fitness journey. Otherwise, like most gym memberships, this one too will go unused after the initial euphoria dies down.

At Fitness First we understand this and know what it takes to help our members set and achieve realistic and motivating goals in the initial days. We want fitness to become a part of your lifestyle and want you to get full value for the money you spend on it.

When you start your Fitness First membership, we give you Headstart, a personalized fitness induction program. You get three sessions with a personal trainer who will do a comprehensive assessment of your body composition, and assess your current fitness level and health issues, if any.

Headstart: the must have if you’re just starting to workout!

After the assessments are complete, your trainer will discuss the results with you to help determine your short term and long term goals. Your Personal Trainer will then design a specific workout pattern for you, based on your habits, preferences and fitness goals. Your trainer will then take you through the workout regime designed specifically for you, and also advise you on which group exercise classes to attend as part of your weekly regime, and how they will integrate with your training on the fitness floor. This is the time to clarify all doubts and get your questions answered 1:1 so that you know what to do for the first six weeks of the start of your fitness journey.

It is said that 80% of what we are is what we eat and exercise accounts for only 20%. So as part of the Headstart program you also get 2 sessions with a Nutrition Counsellor who will go over your assessments and diet patterns, and then advise you on changes you may need to make in your diet, based on the goals you have set with your Personal Trainer. Your nutritionist will design a six week diet plan for you, which integrates with your workout plan. Once you have followed this for a period of four to six weeks and have seen some results, you can request a re-evaluation for both the fitness program and the nutrition counselling for the next six week period.

It takes 21 days to create a habit. And fitness is a habit we all need to create to achieve our health and wellness goals. The most difficult phase of forming a habit is the first few weeks of finding the discipline to do it right and do it consistently. Let our team assess, guide and motivate you to see some changes in you during this phase so that you have the motivation to take your journey forward and onward from there.

With Headstart, you start strong so you stay strong towards achieving the many milestones in the fitness journey you came to us for in the first place.



I really love the gym at Saket , however it's really costly for salried people to afford. I am a regular gym ethusiast but fail to join your gym as it's totally for upper middle and top class people.

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